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- If you need support for the demo route or the street festival, you can borrow a folding wheelchair and/or find a supporting person. Contact us via if you’d like to make use of that. If you want to use this service, please come to the “Statue Verbundenheit” at the Hiroshimaplatz (statue of three people holding hands) at 12:45 on Saturday 26th of August.
- The speeches at the street festival will be translated into German Sign Language.
- Some speeches are available on paper. You can ask for them at the stage.
- There will be a quiet zone at the street fair. There you can find some rest, if you need to. You can also find
- Snacks and water
- Earplugs and sound protection earphones
- Small tents, if you need some space
- People to talk to (they are wearing pink vests)
- Tools to reduce stimulus or help you cope when you’re overwhelmed, for example: chili candy and sour drops, stimming toys, ammoniac substance to smell, fragrance oils, massage balls, sleeping masks
- Phone numbers and info material on consultation and support services when you are in need.